Good writing

Here is an advert for an AI service that says copywriting is now easy. It contains two grammar errors.

Being a good copywriter is hard.

Even this piece, short and sweet, will have lost some peoples' attention already. 50 words in.

Good copywriting means the reader finishes the piece without getting bored, or it contains something good for you. Good for the soul, business, or whatever.

Even AI – because it is trained on everyone's writing – isn't great out of the box. Because most people can't write well.

There are great + good writers + content creators out there. They share relevant + useful ideas.

They know how to get a reader from start to finish without losing their attention.

I think they will always have an edge.

People ultimately seek the authentic. As part of that, they want to connect with real people.

I used to balk at 'influencers' but in reality they are providing some form of connection or bond. They are trusted, and so can influence.

An AI writer or AI influencer (etc) has no human element, and so I doubt a 'bond' or any trust can be built up with it. Not a long-lasting one anyway. There is no human connection.

The more the internet veers to the extreme of automation and 'schemes' to generate traffic/clicks, the more a countermovement will emerge. The more fake things become, the more people will seek out the authentic.